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Finding The Right Fit 

When choosing a Spiritual Coach, it helps to understand their background and beliefs. Here you will find some answers to commonly asked questions.

1. What Spiritual and Theological Education do you have?

Emma is a graduate of, and an Ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister through the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary Program. This rigorous 2-year program afforded her a developed understanding, insight, and appreciation of many of the world’s religions; allowing growth on her own spiritual path and giving her the background to enable others Re-Member their own Divinity.

2. How do you tend to your own Contemplative Life?

Emma has dedicated more than 20 years to her own personal growth and spiritual development using the practices of meditation, prayer, peer study groups, consultation with mentors, discussions with Spirit, study of the Tao Te Ching, and lectio divina (spiritual reading and reflection).

3. What is your experience with Spiritual Coaching?

Emma founded Beecken of Light in 2015. Since that time, she has taught classes in several modalities of energy work, Reflections on Spirituality, “Chakras for Beginners”, The Way of the Tao, and many other workshops. She facilitates one’s own healing through intuitive forms of energy work. Emma also offers spiritual coaching and specializes in helping others Rediscover their Inner Light: The Spark of One’s Own Divinity! Through non-denominational discussion and processes, she offers the opportunity to Re-Member one’s own Personal Connection to Divinity.

4. What is your Spiritual Philosophy?

As an Ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual minister, Emma strives to live a life of Spiritual Integrity, embracing LOVE as her driving force; seeking to pull Loving elements and practices from Any and All the world’s religions, while leaving the man-made religious dogma, rules, and politics. Love IS Spirit, pure and simple. When faced with decisions, responses, and actions, Emma uses discernment and asks the question, “What would LOVE do, now?” In following the peaceful feelings that result from the answer to that question, Emma attempts to choose the path of Love.

God, Spirit, Beloved, All That Is, Mother/Father God… Emma believes that whatever name that resonates with you when referring to the Divine is exactly perfect. The God of her understanding lives within ALL of us. As a Soul choosing this incarnation to Re-Member ItSelf, she believes that we are ALL connected.

5. How do you continue to develop your education as a Spiritual Coach?

Emma maintains an active ministry through One Spirit Interfaith Alliance. She continues to attend classes and workshops and seeks the counsel of her OS peers and mentors regularly. Emma is a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI) and is an active, registered member of the clergy.

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